What is The Society for International Folk Dancing?
We are a UK based voluntary, non-profit-making, non-political association of people who enjoy learning and dancing folk dances from many countries.
The aims of the Society are –
- To preserve, make known and encourage the practice in the United Kingdom of Folk Dances
from across the world, while respecting their traditional form - To promote the knowledge and practice of Folk Dances by means of classes, demonstrations,
social activity, publications in all forms, the Internet and other suitable methods which may
include a periodical. - To provide and encourage for the public benefit research into, and study of, the origin,
development and traditional practice of Folk Dances - To encourage the performance, playing, collection of and research into Folk Dance Music with particular regard to traditional styles.
The Society for International Folk Dancing is a registered CIO in the UK – number 1189141
The Constitution, Standing Orders and Model Branch Rules are all available for download. See the Documents option on the Menu.
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